Rent the right portable oxygen concentrator for your needs and itinerary. Please call for details.

OxygenToGo® carries several different types of portable oxygen concentrators, from durable, longer-lasting models to efficient, light-weight ones. Each rental also includes a pulse oximeter, which clips to your finger to instantly evaluate your oxygen saturation levels, allowing you to adjust the flow rate on the device as needed. And each device we carry has been fully tested by our medical group for everyday use or the most complicated travel plans. We’d be glad to help you decide which model is best for you—contact us today!
The Inogen One G5 by Inogen Inc.
With its compact design, the Inogen One G5 weighs just 2,2 kg (4.7 lbs.) (with a single battery) and is our quietest POC (only 38dBa*). It allows patients to utilize portable oxygen therapy anytime, day or night (whenever it is operating on battery power or wall power).

The Inogen One G3 by Inogen Inc.
Small. Light. Long-lasting.
The new Inogen One G3 delivers the independence of Inogen's original oxygen concentrators, but it’s smaller, lighter, and makes more oxygen per pound with a longer battery life. In addition to the Inogen One Portable Oxygen Concentrator, the Inogen One System includes everything that you need for independence during travel.
Oxlife Independence
A leader in the non-delivery therapy revolution, the 3LPM continuous flow Oxlife INDEPENDENCE® is unlike any other POC. Powered by our patented Energy Smart Technology®, the Oxlife INDEPENDENCE® provides more than 3x the oxygen flow of other leading portable oxygen concentrators (POCs), long battery life and continuous, reliable performance for 24/7 therapy — year after year