Delta POC Approval and Battery Approval Request
Notice: POC approval and battery approval is free of charge to passenger
Phone: 307-732-0040 or 866-692-0040 Fax: 307-734-2982 Email: [email protected]
OxygenToGo® is open for calls between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday – Friday.
All passengers that anticipate using a portable oxygen concentrator (POC) onboard any Delta flight must follow this process and be cleared by OxygenToGo®. Note: No other form is required for clearance of your oxygen device.
- Complete all fields and submit to OxygenToGo® a minimum of 48 hours (excluding weekends) prior to the scheduled flight departure of their first flight.
If OxygenToGo® has not contacted you within 24 hours, please call to verify receipt of your document. - OxygenToGo® will contact the passenger to review next steps.
- Once approved, you must bring a copy of this form with you to the airport.
Approved POC: Only an FAA approved POC can be used onboard a Delta flight. “Carry-on only” POC’s are not allowed to be used in-flight. No other oxygen sources are allowed on board Delta flights. You may use your own POC if it is one of the 26 approved units listed on or if it has a manufacturer’s label identifying your unit as FAA approved. See example:

If your POC does not bear the required label, the device is allowed to be used on board if the manufacturer and model name are on the list of approved devices.